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coping with work stressA recently report by Centre for Mental Health found that mental health problems cost employers £35 billion per year, the equivalent of £1300 for every employee.

You might expect this cost to come from employees needing to take time away from work when it gets too much. However, what you mightn’t realise is a large proportion is actually employees being unproductive while at work.

Stress is implicit in this. Coping with work stress can be a struggle and an over-stressed employee is ultimately not a productive worker. Whether that’s time spent while at work procrastinating or fretting about workload or an absence caused when an individual feels they can no longer cope with the pressure.

Whether you’re an employee or an employer, it is worth keeping in mind that too much work-related stress will mean you, or your workforce, are not working in the most effective way.

Here are some tips for coping with work stress…

Take your allotted lunch break and get away from your desk

If you’re snowed under it might feel like you should just ‘power through’. However, taking a break is integral for good productivity. Time away from the task at hand gives the brain a break, allowing you to go back fresher and more ready to work.

Stay hydrated

This might seem basic but it’s easy to forget to take a drink when you’re busy. Keeping hydrated is crucial to good brain function, helping to aid concentration and avoid headaches. Water is best; if you’re not a fan try adding some squash.

Switch off

When you’re not at work, try not to ruminate about work concerns. The tasks will be waiting for you when you get back and worrying about them in the meantime will do nothing other than wear you out. To help, we recommend writing a to-do list at the end of the day ready for you to pick back up the next day.


If you’re feeling stressed with work, try to put the above tips into practice and see how it helps. Or if you’re employer, try and encourage your employees to take these measures. This could be something simple like having a water cooler for the office or providing a break room.

Stress is not something to just put up with – unmanaged it can lead to anxiety and depression. Having good work/life balance is integral to good mental health. Make taking care of and time for yourself a priority – you’ll be a better employee as a result. Everyone wins.

For some further tips for coping with work stress, take a look at Mind’s guide How to be mentally healthy at work

Or if you feel like you’re work pressures are getting on top of you, book a free 15 minute consultation to see how we might be able to help.