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In recent years, the entire world has shared an experience of isolation, sickness and uncertainty. Many people have had periods where they’ve gone weeks without seeing another face and months without continuing their normal life patterns. At this point, the feeling of isolation may have existed for more than two years.

Even if your experience of lockdown and isolation has been relatively mild, there are still effects to be felt. Normal life was upended, which has consequences that differ from person to person.

Here, we will look at how isolation and lockdown may have affected you and how to overcome it if you are still struggling. Whether you’ve developed social anxiety, are living in fear of normal life returning, or simply don’t know how to adapt to returning to the office, Select Psychology looks at returning to your own normal.

Are You Avoiding Getting Back To ‘Normal’?

For some, the Coronavirus offered a respite from normal life. While it may sound surprising to some people, many found withdrawing from ‘normal’ life was a bit of a relief. And even if you had no desire to withdraw from the world, now that you have for long periods of time, you may feel a sense of nervousness or unpreparedness for the continuation of normal life.

Suppose you are spending prolonged periods in unnecessary isolation, avoiding the social or active events that you used to enjoy, or continuing in the patterns that you developed during the lockdown. In that case, you may be avoiding getting back to ‘normal’.

How Do I Overcome The Fear Of Life After Covid-19?

Thankfully, there are many ways to navigate the fear of life after dealing with Covid-19 for so long. One of the most effective and healthy ways to overcome this fear is by starting therapy. Going through your feelings, experiences and grief in a safe environment will help you to develop healthy coping mechanisms and much more. This way, you can really go through and understand your own feelings, while putting them into perspective in your life and how you want to continue it.

Why Do I Have Continuous Brain Fog?

There are a few possible causes for brain fog, with a few of these being linked to the effects of isolation. Stress, depression and sleeping disorders are common side effects of isolation, and each of these can lead to brain fatigue. This makes it increasingly difficult to return to normal activities.

Fortunately, these symptoms of isolation and brain fog can be tackled in a few ways. Getting enough sleep, eating well, exercising regularly and spending time with family and friends are all great ways to combat stress and depression. If you take these proactive steps, your brain fog will soon lift.

Have I Developed Social Anxiety?

Did you previously enjoy spending time with friends and meeting strangers, but now feel anxious at the thought, and uncomfortable in person-to-person real-life events? After experiencing such prolonged periods of isolation, many people in the UK and around the world have developed social anxiety, even if they are naturally outgoing and sociable.

Many feel they have lost the social skills needed to fit into their surroundings. After spending so much time by ourselves or within our bubble, this is very natural. Fortunately, attending therapy and counselling can help you to work through the feelings that are keeping you inside and away from your loved ones even as with the world now very much back to normal.

Adapting To Returning To The Office

Many companies across the UK went fully remote during the pandemic, and are now encouraging or making their staff return to the office. This can be very difficult and anxiety-inducing after having gotten used to working from home. This can be even more challenging if you have brain fog, social anxiety, or fear of ordinary life.  

When preparing to adapt to the office, be compassionate with yourself and others. Remember that just as you have gone through a lot, so have your colleagues and friends. Be prepared to take care of your mental health, and set up an achievable, comfortable and new routine. If that means waking up early so you can make yourself a slow coffee and breakfast or get a quick workout, do that. Keep in mind that this will be challenging, but you can do it and be better for it.

If you are still struggling with adapting to the office or other aspects of normal life, reach out. Professional help can be extremely helpful when navigating these new experiences. Select Psychology is always ready to help you with these challenges, and many others. You can start your journey and find and book a therapist with us today.