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How our emotions are affected by the brain

How our emotions are affected by the brain

We all know that the brain is a powerful thing. But how exactly does it effect our emotions? Read on to find out.... Threat system Let us go back to the time when our ancestors lived in caves: it was important for survival and to avoid danger therefore our brains...

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How To Approach Someone With Mental Health Problems

How To Approach Someone With Mental Health Problems

We all hear what NOT TO SAY to someone who we suspect is struggling with their mental health. But what about what we SHOULD SAY to someone we believe needs help?  Start off with a simple "how are you"? Sometimes it can be hard to know what to say when speaking to...

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Taking back your sex life after beating cancer

Taking back your sex life after beating cancer

Beating the Big C isn’t just about getting the all clear from the medics – it’s also about getting quality back in all aspects of your life and relationships. As a psychosexual therapist, couples often tell me that the experience of going through cancer together has...

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Is Social Media Lowering My Self Esteem?

Is Social Media Lowering My Self Esteem?

This is the fourth part in our four part series about the impact of social media on mental health. This time we look at how it can effect our self esteem. We are all are bombarded with images of utopia and a life that is unattainable to us. People put the best of...

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Is Scrolling Social Media Effecting My Sleep?

Is Scrolling Social Media Effecting My Sleep?

Read our third instalment on social media and the impact on mental health. This time we're taking a look at effect on sleep. Is your phone the last thing you look at before you go to bed at night and the 1st thing you check when you wake up in the morning? Do you even...

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Social media and the effect on teens

Social media and the effect on teens

This is part two of four in our series about social media and the effect on mental health. This particular article talks about social media and the effect on teens. I’m old enough to remember having to wait until after 6 o’clock to ring my friends because it was...

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Am I Spending Too Long On Social Media Apps?

Am I Spending Too Long On Social Media Apps?

This is part one in our four-part series about the impact of social media on mental health. Part one – When is social media too much? Social media has dramatically changed the way that we communicate. It helps us to connect with the outside world, find like minded...

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Five winning tips to stop unsuccessful dieting

Five winning tips to stop unsuccessful dieting

Many of us have been there…. ’the diet starts on Monday’ the dresses that hang in the wardrobe ‘just in case I lose those extra few pounds’ crash dieting to lose weight for the summer holiday …. only to put it all back on again plus, in most cases, additional pounds!...

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What’s The Difference Between A Counsellor & A Psychologist

What’s The Difference Between A Counsellor & A Psychologist

"What's the difference between a Counsellor and a Psychologist? Which do I need?" Counselling and psychology are related, with a focus on providing guidance and support to improve an individual’s mental health, but there are differences between the two in terms of...

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What is PTSD & How Can It Be Treated

What is PTSD & How Can It Be Treated

POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER (PTSD) WHAT IS POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER? Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health problem caused by exposure to either a single event, a series of events or prolonged exposure to traumatic events. You do not have to...

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A Parents Guide to Helping Your Child to Beat Exam Stress

A Parents Guide to Helping Your Child to Beat Exam Stress

We are very good at recognising how stressful exams can be for our children but sometimes it is hard to know what to do for the best. Advice can vary from the ‘leave them to it, you can take a horse to water but you can’t make them drink’ school of thought to the ‘if...

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