At some point in our lives we will all be faced with loss, be this the death of a loved one, a child leaving home or changes in your own health. Nearly 40% of people have difficulty getting support from those close to them and feel isolated in their grief.
Even if you do have support from those around you, seeking Bereavement counselling will provide a therapeutic space to work through your grief and regain your sense of self.

Grief and bereavement are often used interchangeably, but there is a slight difference between the two terms. Grief is an emotional response felt at the loss of someone or something, whereas bereavement is a state of being in grief, meaning it can have different stages. While grief is a difficult, but completely normal response to loss, coping with bereavement can feel overwhelming and never ending.
The Symptoms
There are 5 commonly accepted stages of bereavement: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance, however we are all individuals and how you go through these stages will be unique to you.
Experiencing sadness is normal when a loss is experienced, however these feelings may not seem to fade over a course of time. It is most common to seek help a few months after your loss, but for many people it may be years before you are ready and it’s important to know it is never too late.
You should consider counselling for bereavement when:
You are not sleeping and struggling to get out of bed in the mornings
You start to neglect yourself or your family
The intense emotions do not seem to recede
You feel unable to cope with daily life
You feel guilt and are ruminating over things you have said or done
You think you may have symptoms of depression or anxiety
You feel angry towards the person you have lost or reason for loss and you can’t move on from this
There are changes in your appetite
You have trouble concentrating
Grief Counselling or Bereavement Therapy
Understand the grief process and accept the reality of the loss, while taking care of yourself
Learn how to feel and express your emotions in an open and safe environment
Discuss how and why the loss has impacted you in this way.
Develop coping strategies to manage symptoms, enabling you to move on with your life
Help you regain your sense of self and return back to your life with the acceptance of your loss
If you are worried that you are suffering from bereavement it is best to seek treatment as soon as you are able to, but in the meantime there are some things that can help while you are waiting for your first appointment:
Feel your feelings. It may seem more straightforward to avoid the feelings of sadness or grief, but you cannot hide from these feelings forever. Addressing these difficult feelings is a gateway to making sense of your loss in a healthy manner.
Express your feelings in creative ways. There are multiple ways to express how you feel. Talking about your feelings is one of them, writing them down, making a scrapbook or photo album are also cathartic ways of dealing with loss.
Maintaining a routine can provide you with a sense of stability and comfort. Include activities that you enjoy and boost your mood.
Prepare yourself for certain events that may be difficult. Anniversaries, holidays and milestones may heighten feelings of grief and loss. During this time, you can plan some activities to keep your mind occupied or talk to others and look after yourself.
We offer a wide range of therapies to help with bereavement & grief and give you the tools to cope and understand your emotions. We are a private mental health service with highly trained therapists and no waiting lists.
This is how therapy would work:
Step 1
Get in touch
The first step is recognising you have an issue and seeking help – BOOK A FREE TELEPHONE CONSULTATION and start the process by providing a space and time to share your needs with us.
Step 2
Telephone Consultation
You will be heard and understood through a confidential phone conversation. Often called the ‘triage’ this is where you can share more about your needs, and we can advise on therapy pathways and provide initial guidance where possible.
Step 3
Appointment Offer
We will match your needs with the best fit practitioner for your therapy pathway and offer you an appointment within two weeks.
Step 4
Initial Assessment
Before you begin a course of therapy, your therapist will need to conduct an assessment in order to agree a course of therapy with you that will best help you and address your goals. This is still part of the therapeutic process and will provide you with a better understanding of your difficulties and how you may start to approach them.
Step 5
Your Therapy
Following on from your assessment, you will move onto therapy. Appointments are 50 minutes – these can be anything from weekly to monthly, depending on your individual circumstances. The number of sessions required to feel better will depend on your needs and therapy plan, this can range between 8-16 sessions, but in general more time is needed to address more complex issues.
Step 6
Feeling Better
As you start to improve, you can agree on changes to the frequency of sessions as required. Ultimately, there will be a time when both you and your therapist agree that you no longer need to continue in active therapy
How long is the grieving process?
This will vary hugely between individuals. Bereavement comes in different forms and impacts people in different ways. Psychiatrist Elizabeth Kübler-Ross split the grieving process into five stages: DENIAL – ANGER – BARGAINING – DEPRESSION – ACCEPTANCE. However, not everyone will experience all five stages or in this order, but it does provide a framework for understanding grief. Therapy is good at helping you to recognise what state you are at and progressing through the stages.
How soon will I start experiencing grief after a loss?
For most people, grief will begin very soon after the loss. Although it does vary and for some, it takes a while for them to start experiencing grief, and it can take time for people to acknowledge their emotions consciously.
Does bereavement always mean death?
No, death is a type of bereavement. Bereavement is the loss of something special, which could be the loss of a loved one, divorce, losing your job or moving home.
How do I know what is the best treatment for me?
The only way to find out is to begin the therapy process and see if it helps. There is nothing wrong with changing therapist or treatment style if you aren’t finding treatment useful. We can provide guidance on the various therapies for bereavement, get in touch and we can guide you.
What are the effects of bereavement?
Bereavement causes feelings of grief and sadness. It is very normal to encounter these feelings, and there will be a period of adjustment to the loss. However, the symptoms mentioned before can become persistent and intense. In this case, it could lead the further issues such as Depression, Anxiety or Adjustment Disorder, which is why a professional intervention may be required to support you.
Should I talk to my child about death?
Yes, it is important that your child feels comfortable talking about death, and that there are open and honest conversations around this that enable your child to ask any questions and raise any worries that they may have. There is no age limit when you should talk to a chord who has experienced a loss, but it is important to talk about it at level that is appropriate for their stage of development. It is also ok for you to show your emotions and to explain that they can have their own emotions and there are no rights and wrongs to grieving. Specialist child therapists will be skilled at understanding what stage of development your child is at and how they will best process a bereavement and move on.
How can I support someone when I am grieving as well?
It is normal for people to have their own way of grieving and there is no ‘right way’. This can lead to misunderstandings and at times conflict. By understanding the differences you can more easily accept and support each other and work through the process together. When you are struggling with this, bereavement counselling can help support you and your family and provide a safe space to explore any difficulties you may be having.